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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Sewing for weight loss..gain..loss...stop!!

So fall is here, it's cold outside and it's making me wonder if I should make a jacket.  Here is the last one I made...


this is where the sad part comes in...after finishing it I got to wear it a couple of times...and then I put on some lbs. 

So now it just sits.. Oh how I envy women who don't have a constant struggle with their weight.
here are some dresses I made in that same time period:

 They fit for  a minute also...but now they are useless to me. 

So this brings me to a point...Should we stop...give up when something we have worked so hard at seems like it has been a waste of time.  It does get's not so hard when they are made larger and you drop some lbs...(which is a very exciting time all by itself lol) they can be taken in, or you can just reward yourself and make something new!!
  But when you gain weight, it hits you in all kinds of different directions.  You feel defeated in every sense...all that time wasted making these clothes, and using your wonderful fabrics.  Not to mention how the weight gain itself affects your mentality.
  But here's the thing...when I made these things...I learned something...either something about the fabrics, or the styling, or the fit....I enjoyed the time I spent at the machine.   I even get a small amount of happiness just looking at these pictures now, knowing I put them together and they fit me when I made them.  Fit is an achievement in itself, and because these fit me I have the ability to make the next ones fit me at the size I am.
  Would I be thrilled to be that size right now? Well.....ya!! lol, but I'm not, so that's it...onward and upward. (well, hopefully not lbs upward)  It's time to make something new...try a new pattern...learn a new technique...wear what I make for  a minute... or maybe longer...but I'll enjoy the journey and I'll enjoy the pictures I take a long time into the future.
  What are your thoughts on the matter, how do you handle this situation....or are you one of those blessed few...

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